
From starting completely over to finding true love, success, and conquering big dreams, Brett Ashley McMillan’s life is a story of self-preservation and refusing to settle. She is laying it all out in her upcoming book that dives into narcissistic abuse, establishing boundaries, finding self-worth and rebuilding the life you’ve always dreamed of. Her first book is set to debut later this year!

Where it all began…

Brett grew up fast. In her story, she depicts her experiences as a young women navigating life without a guiding light and having to learn lessons the hard way. This particular dynamic, along with the tragedies she faced in her later years, all had a major impact in molding her into the successful, dynamic and outspoken woman she is today.

She believes advocacy starts from within and is practiced through strong boundaries, healthy relationships, and living authentically.

Her greatest hope is to inspire others to do just that - overcome, survive, and thrive.

“Finally, a writer who truly purges every dark thought and experience out on paper.”

— Friend of the Author

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